Reversible Smocked Hat Large Size

R13: (K1,P3,K1,M1,P1,M1) repeat 16 times (128 stitches)

The rest of the pattern is the same. Happy Knitting!


Flower Headband Earwarmer (Knit+Crochet version)

Decrease Section:

R4:P, K, repeat until you reach the tenth stitch (knit) Knit the two strands of this stitch and the first of the eleventh (purl) stitch together in a knit stitch. Then take the second of the strands in the eleventh stitch and knit it with the twelfth stitch, also in a knit stitch. You should now have one less stitch on your needles and the center two should be knit stitches. K, P until you reach the end of the row. (20 stitches)

Crochet Flower: C4 means chain 4
2nd Round: there should be three ch4 one into the back of each of the three petals of the 1st round.

I make changes to the original patten as soon as they are brought to my attention. If you have purchased the flower headband earwarmer pattern and would like the newest version e-mailed let me know and I will be happy to e-mail you the most current version. I apologize for the inconvenience. I have also added full stitch instructions for the increase portion of this pattern. If you purchased the pattern more than a month ago e-mail me and I will send you the new version. Thanks!

One Comment

  • Patricia McIvor

    Yesterday I purchased the flowered headband. Please email the corrected version for me. Thank you so much.

    I think all of your work is gorgeous and I have daughters and daughters in law that will love things that I make from your pattersn.

    Thanks. Patricia

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