Color Work Knitting
New home, lots of things happening in my life. Too many to talk about right now. One cool thing is I have been working on color work, for a special project. Because of the nature of the project I can’t show an image of the color work pattern. I can show an image of the back though which makes it look very impressive.
Here is an image of another VERY SIMPLE color work pattern I have been working on.
Color work is not difficult if you start out simple.
This green is Ginko Sock by Skein Yarn.
I first started color work with my stripes head wrap pattern. You can barely call that color work because I was changing colors in stripes. Anyway I have been working with a more complex pattern and it has been really fun. Here is a great knitting episode I found that explains how to do color work. I hope it helps any of you who are feeling ambitious enough to try color working. It may seen scary but in reality it is not that hard.
Managing Yarns for Color Work – video tutorial
I recommend with starting simple. Practice changing color of yarns to create stripes in your work and then start by switching one stitch to a different color every once an a while. The difficulty comes in reading color work charts and keeping the tension loose enough to make the pattern show and tight enough to not end up with uneven stitches.
Here is a great resource for learning how to read color work charts.
Once you master simple color work you can try something more complicated. The possibilities are endless! Here are some books that might be helpful. I am hoping to acquire several of them for my library.
On an unrelated note I have been finding amazing things at flea markets and antique shops already! This was one thing I was really excited about with moving back into the city.
An old steam trunk. $30.00 I am going to use this as a coffee table in the coffee shop my parents own.
I also found this cool vintage box. Not quite sure what it was used for but the chipping paint and twine handles were calling to me.