Origami Goodness

    What is it about the holidays that makes me want to fold paper into tiny animals? I can’t say really. One year I made fifty origami cranes and hung them around my tree from fishing line. It looked so amazing! I had the idea this year to make ornaments out of paper. I though it would be a good way to re-use the Anthropologie catalogues (that I have read enough times and was finally willing to give up). Using an industrial paper cutter I cut the catalogues into origami size squares. I did 6 and 3 inch squares. So far I have only used the 3 inch squares but the…

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    I have many sources for inspiration. As many of you have noticed Japanese Fashion is one of the main sources. When my sister recently returned from a year of leaving in Japan she brought back with her a Japanese Fashion magazine/book. It was titled PALM and I was instantly in love. You may remember “the girl in the terrarium” photo, that was the cover of the latest PALM issue. I have been trying to get my hands on the latest issue but the website is in Japanese so I couldn’t figure out how to purchase it. I went out on a limb and contacted the magazine directly and they are…