Drawing Inspiration
Since my Courage to Draw post a few months back I have been sketching consistently in my journal. It is amazing how sketching helps me write and vice a versa. The more I draw the more I write. To help me stay inspired I have printed out several images off of various free printable websites…the most notable being vintageprintable.com. There are lots of free images online that you can print and frame or you can use them as inspiration for drawing. I have been drawing a lot of butterflies lately. They are something I enjoy drawing and are relatively easy and diverse.
Here are a couple of images that I use for inspiration for butterflies.
If you click on the image it will take you to the full size version so you can save the image and print it. Here are a few more fun butterfly images.
This image is already full size, you should be able to click and save it.
Another insect I love drawing is the dragonfly.
Here are a few cool dragonfly images I found online. Good key words when searching for animal or insect prints on google.com/images are botanical and etching.
I have a long way to go but every time I sketch I get better. Practice, practice, practice! The great thing about sketching in a journal is you can quickly see your progress, and it makes your journal more lively!
Also, here is another tea cup I have collected. It was a Christmas gift from my mother. It is a vintage Lomonosov tea cup and saucer with the USSR stamp on the bottom. I love it!