Winding Yarn
I don’t know about you but I wait anxiously for the mail when a package is coming. Especially if it is from my favorite yarn dyer. Not to belabor the point but…SKEIN YARNS is amazing! Here is the exciting package I got a couple of days ago.
The lighting in my house has been terrible, due to winter storms. These are wild apple and pastel sky in the silk/merino worsted base.
I am using them to knit up my head wrap with a smock pattern. So I still remember the first time my yarn came in a hank like this instead of a center pull ball or skein (like the less expensive yarns you get at your local craft store). I wound my first hank into a center pull ball by hand (time consuming and exhausting).
After I started paying extra to get my hanks wound by the yarn store I purchased from online I started to consider possibly purchasing a ball winder and swift. The issue is purchasing both was way out of my budget. Then I found this Amish Design Swift on amazon. It is half the price and breaks up easily. I use it when I travel and it is so simple to pull out during nap time.
It is easy to put this together I like to set it up during nap time and let my four year old wind a few hanks for me.
Here is how easy it is to set up.
Other than the swift you need a ball winder. It attaches easily to several different tables or counter tops as it is adjustable.
Open up your hank and spread it around the swift. Clip the strand of yarn that holds it all together. Take one yarn tail and feed it into the ball winder and you are off!
My son Corin wound all three hanks by himself. He loves it and is constantly begging me to wind yarn so it works out great.
I can’t believe how big he is getting. I am thankful to find ways to share my creative pursuits with my children.
So if you are tired of winding your hanks by hand or paying extra to have them wound (or maybe you just want to give your local yarn store a break form winding) this might be a good option for you.