Paint Chips
Sorry for my absence. I have had many things happening and not a lot of time to complete them all. The most exciting current happening in my life is I am opening a coffee shop! Woah. My parents already have one coffee shop location open in East County San Diego. Now we are opening a coffee house in another part of East County. How is this relevant to my design/knitting/photography blog? Well I am in charge of the decor in the new shop.
This is a huge project and very exciting. I have been collecting paint chips and lighting ideas, whilst buying used and vintage furniture off of craigslist.com. Here are some photos of color ideas I have for the shop. I didn’t realize until I got home that the colors I liked matched up with my favorite cloth bound books.
I have been having a hard time adjusting to the light in Southern California vs. Northern California. This probably reveals what an amateur photographer I am. I find the light in my new home is so different, things feel so saturated and it is hard to get the contrast and clarity of the lighting in my old home. But it is a work in progress so I will keep practicing.
I find inspiration from everything around me. It is funny how much of that inspiration happens without my brain acknowledging it. I have always loved paint chips so once the colors for the new coffee shop have been chasen I am already looking for ideas of what to do with my leftover paint chips.
Here is an amazing idea that I found via pinterest.com for making a chandelier out of paint chips.
via heygorg.com
Here is another diy for paint chip wall art…
I also would love to use paint chips to top a table but I don’t know for sure if that will work out as of yet. If you live in the area and are looking for gourmet coffee, latte art, and baristas that care about you, come check out our current location. Kaffee Meister Coffee Bar and Drive Thru. Check out our Facebook page to see some pictures of the latte art our baristas have been pouring lately.